Float Fishing For Carp - Underused and under rated


Virtually unused by comparison to other methods yet used wisely & quietly can be just as effective as any other approach, many modern day carpers have never even used a float which is amazing considering it's effectiveness!

Here are just two methods that can be adjusted & used in many situations to catch both small and large carp,
 on the left is the lift bite method & on the right is the laying on method.... both of these setups can be used and adapted for various situations!


Lift Method Tip - many believe that once the float has lifted and laid flat on the surface the carp will have the bait in it's mouth, sometimes this is not quite true as at this point the carp may have blown your bait out of it's mouth, therefore it's sometimes best to wait until the float lays flat (if it does so) and then starts to move off or disappear out of view, this way you can be fairly certain the carp has your baited hook in it's mouth, this is something you'll find easy to judge for yourself in no time.



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